June 4, 2011

Sunday School

It is only recently (a few months ago) that we have been able to make it to church on time consistently. We figured out how to work it out so that I could help lead the music. My dear husband takes charge of all five kids on Sunday mornings. We send the oldest into the nursery with the youngest to look after him and keep him from eating any illegals. We bring the other three into church with us. They leave for children's church just before the sermon. We send the ten year old with the 4yo and 7yo to help out and make sure they don't get any snacks or get into markers or paints.

So much healing has taken place in the past 21 months that little CKS, who used to be so rigid and unhappy that small things would set off huge tantrums, and little KES, who used to throw such angry hateful fits, are often complimented as being the best listeners and the most well behaved children in the class. It brings my heart such joy to hear these things, knowing from where we have come.

Starting tomorrow, Sunday, June 5, my husband is going to teach the 2's and 3's Sunday school class for 3 months. Our littlest one will be in his class. Our 4 year old is actually going to go to his own Sunday school class. He will have the same teacher from week to week and there are no snacks in his class. Our older children have been going to Sunday school for several months now. We are finally to a point now where we are stepping out and trusting that our children will be safe under someone else's care for a time. It feels wonderful to be in this place. Thank you, Jesus, for taking away the fear.

Our little CKS is so VERY excited about going to Sunday school every week. It is his very first class ever. He went last week for the first time and loved it. He has been talking about it all week. I am very pleased that he is ready for this step. Praise God!

Just a note to add about snacks at church: We take some boiled chicken or pizza eggs for our kids to snack on between SS and Worship while everyone else is munching on donuts and fake lemonade. My kids love it! (Pizza eggs are just eggs cooked in a small round skillet and cut into fourths or sixths to look like pizza slices.)

We are definitely different. We have more kids than most. We eat funny. We homeschool. We do things together as a family, rather than running everyone around in all different directions. We are definitely different, but we don't mind anymore.

We are right where God wants us to be. He is in control of all things and He "works all things together for the good of those who love Him and for whom He has called according to His good purposes". I must remember always that, "We are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has prepared in advance for us to do." and "It is God who works in us to will and to act according to His good purposes." (can't remember references at the moment) God's people do look different. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. When we do things God's way, we will definitely look different. I am now quite accustomed to being different, so I am no longer afraid to follow God and do things His way. Isn't God awesome?

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