September 10, 2009

Update On Our 2 Year Old

Our 2 year old started the GAPS diet on the 17th of August, I think.  It may have been a day or two after that, but I think it was the 17th.  He has made steady progress each and every day.

He fought us at every meal for the first two weeks and it took time because we had to give him a bit of meat for every spoonful of veggie/broth/fat puree that we could get in him.  Now, we give him a bowl of the puree and he spoons it in his mouth all by himself and asks for seconds and he likes to help scrape more veggies into his bowl as I pour it in.  How cool is that!?!

He is doing fine on the intro diet without the eggs and the fruit we had eaten when we first started.  In fact, he is thriving.  He loves his food.

He has dropped his nap!  He sleeps through the night!

He is happy and laughing and playing and helping in the kitchen all day long.

He plays puzzles and sorts shapes and stacks cups and blocks.

Today he brought us one book after another to read to him.

He makes eye contact!  His eyes are not as off as they were, maybe only slightly, if at all.

He is talking very BIG for his age.  One example is as he placed the colored pegs in the foam board this afternoon he was saying, "Red one right here.  Blue one right here.  Green one right here..."  Clear as day!

Praise the Lord!
All Glory to Him who made us and takes care of us!
Our little boy is back!

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